My dear brothers and sisters,remember it is not a sin to have an erection,but it is a sin to follow the direction of that erection .and if u allow your erection to determine your direction,you will end up in destruction.
Sexual sins are generational,there is nothing like casual sex.
Many destiny have been destroy because of sex,your present day backwardness may be as a result of one careless sexual encounter you had many years ago.
Sexual sin has no benefits. Ten minutes or may be one night's stands has the power to jeopardize your future,and worse still,if you do it after getting saved or while walking in salvation .if you were delivered from sexual sin,and God saved you,do yourself a favour,and avoid casual sex before you marry. The bible says "when an impure spirit comes out of person,it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it". Then it says, 'i will return to the house i left'. When it arrives, it fines the house unoccupied,swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, And they go in and live there. And final condition of that person is worse than the first. (Matthew 12:45-48). This just explains why so many believers are worse in church and sin has taken root in them. There end is destruction but the problem is,they opened a door that had closed,and the devil re-in forced his armory,to make them worse than they were before. Note that sexual sin,is a hard slave driver.
My dear brethren,marriage is a covenant relationship and sex is a blood covenant. That's why you were given a hymen. God experts it to be broken on your wedding night to signify another kind of bond.