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Today’s peaceful occupation of Biafran youths (IPOB) of the Niger-bridge is a sad reminder of the heroic efforts by the Biafran gallant soldiers to defend Biafra land through the Niger bridge durng the genocidal war.
The Niger Bridge was blown on October 5, 1967 by the Biafran army engineers, effectively halting Murtala’s advance east. His troops halted in Asaba.. The direct result of Murtala’s troops stopping in Asaba was the Asaba Massacre two days later, by far the largest in the war. On October 7, 1967, Nigerian soldiers under Col. Murtala Mohammed killed about 2000 able-bodied civilian men and boys in Asaba. This massacre prolonged the war because after that Biafrans believed that they would be victims of a Nigerian genocide, which turned out to be true..
Buoyed by his Midwest success,where he committed the worst genocide ever recorded in any war history ,Murtala’s next target was the strategically important Biafran city of Onitsha. Murtala’s attack plan for Onitsha changed dramatically when Biafran troops blew up the Niger bridge (the only land access he could use to get to the Biafran heartland) as Murtala was at the bridge’s entrance, considering driving across it. The 2nd Division could now either attack Onitsha via: (a) a dangerous and direct assault via a river crossing or (b) by crossing the Niger river unopposed via territory held by the neighbouring 1st Division, then proceeding overland to Onitsha.
Realising the dangers and complexities of a direct river based assault on Onitsha, Supreme Headquarters advised Murtala to choose option (b). Murtala disregarded the advice of Supreme Headquarters and decided to proceed with the dangerous river crossing. On learning of the plan, Lt-Colonel Aisida (one of Murtala’s brigade commanders) urged him to reconsider the plan which Aisida regarded as suicidal. Murtala was unmoved and insisted that he would have his way. So controversial was Murtala’s plan that even the commander of the neighbouring 1st Division: Colonel Mohammed Shuwa tried to intervene. Murtala had a chequered relationship with Shuwa. Shuwa was a conventional soldier, an “obedient, loyal….textbook commander” The difference in the two men’s personalities was reflected in the manner in which they commanded their respective army divisions. While Murtala’s 2nddivision embarked on daring gung-ho assaults against the enemy (often against orders from Supreme HQ), Shuwa’s 1st Division was methodical and quietly efficient. While Shuwa was cautious, Murtala was impulsive and fearless. At a meeting between the two, Shuwa urged Murtala to drop his dangerous river assault plan for Onitsha, but Murtala refused and insisted that he would proceed with his chosen plan of attack regardless of the objections by Supreme HQ, his brigade commander Lt-Colonel Aisida and fellow divisional commander Colonel Shuwa. During the exchange of words with Shuwa, Murtala became so greatly angry that Captain Baba Usman feared that in a fit of rage, Murtala might hit Shuwa. Usman had to stand between Murtala and Shuwa in order to forestall a physically confrontation between Murtala and Shuwa.
Despite protests from one of his brigade commanders, direct orders from Supreme HQ, and the personal intervention of a fellow divisional commander, Murtala proceeded with his chosen Onitsha attack plan. Were he a citizen of any country other than Nigeria, he would almost certainly have been court-martialled for disobeying orders. Murtala personally led his men during the crossing. However Biafran troops led by the tough Colonel Joe “Hannibal” Achuzia, repelled and routed Murtala’s 1000 strong attack team – which lost several million pounds worth of equipment in the process, and suffered many casualties - some by drowning under fierce Biafran fire. Among those federal soldiers lucky enough to survive the Biafran onslaught were Lieutenants Shehu Musa Yar’Adua and Ishola Williams. Undeterred by this setback, and displaying his characteristic never say die attitude, Murtala again tried the amphibious capture of Onitsha. Federal troops were again routed by the Biafrans. Still determined to get his way, and displaying great mental strength and determination after such heavy losses, Murtala tried the ambitious river crossing for a third time – and failed again. After this third failure, Murtala swallowed his pride and agreed to execute the plan initially approved by Supreme HQ. He finally captured Onitsha. But victory came at a price as by this time, 2 Division were dispirited, undisciplined and battered after suffering heavy losses against the Biafrans including the loss of an entire convoy of vehicles by, Achuzia who scored a major success with the Abagana Ambush where he ordered his men to fired the single last mortar in the possession of the Biafrans at Murtala’s convoy which.destroyed a lot of equipment, the incident popularly known as Abagana miracle took place on March 31, 1968, Achuzia attacked a 96 car Nigerian convoy at Abagana killing 150 Nigerian troops. He failed to kill Murtala. However, the Abagana Ambush had one major tactical victory for Biafra, it knocked the ill-disciplined Murtala out of the war. Murtala was seriously injured at Abagana, and was reprimanded by his superiors, and as result sent to the UK AWOL.
The resulting fire set the entire convoy ablaze and proved to be one of the most spectacular Biafran successes of the Nigerian civil war. Murtala was recalled from the front and replaced by Colonel Haruna. However 2 Division was in such bad shape that Haruna himself was later replaced by Colonel Gibson Jalo.
It is therefore a very remarkable decision to position Biafran youths(IPOB) who have sworn to permanently block the gateway to Biafra hinterland till Nnamdi Kanu is released.
The international press have been positioned to monitor the activities of the security forces drafted into the area of the over head bridge and report reaching us is that they security forces have so far conduced themselves well while the IPOB peaceful seat-in are very disciplined singing and dancing to their drum beats. Aluta continua. ‘’Truth is treason in the empire of lies’’
Long live United States of Biafra
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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.