06:34 0 Comments

don't ever rush into falling in love,for love never runs out. Even if they mock you because you are single,its better to be single then to be in a relationship of sorrow,just tell them this, "God is busy writing the best love story that will sweep me off my feet".if you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you,let it go,be gentle on yourself,there is nothing wrong with you,love just did not choose to rest in the other person heart. let it go... There is reasons and a meaning you will know in time...Always remember that sometimes,we have to ignore what we feel and realize  what we deserve.
True love isn't something that is forced,it is something that just happens,many people are so hungry for love,that they choose to bite the first type of love that they may see,even if its Toxic. Don't be a fool for love,choose your love wisely. Remember .. its not about being what everyone wants you to be,its about being yourself and finding someone who truly love you for who you are. Remember...... its not how you feel now that is really is your state.



05:13 0 Comments

A lot of us want to be in love,be special to someone,to be happy with someone but the question is how many of you are willing to be committed in that relationship or that marriage! Commitment here is related to both the man and the woman,to be committed,you need to show love,trust,honesty,respect and most of all your attitude now.
1.Love-here we will not just talked about the normal care you can give to anyone,this man/woman is special to you so your care has to be different,don't try to  overlook those little things,it may be like playing with your spouse because it helps the bond strong,nothing shows love than smiling and happiness with the person you love,use pet names,play a little,both  of you should figure out what the other person wants and giving your spouse what he or she wants is being commitment and am not based on material wants.
2.Trust-Trust is just another name for love,if in a relationship their is no trust then their is no relationship or marriage and if you are in such where your spouse does not trust you a bit,i advise you quit. The trick their is,you can't trust without loving and you cant love without trusting. It gives  joy to know that your father can reply on you and when the trust you have for each other is good it help make the bond stronger,for one thing,i believe their will be no jealously because  you trust your man/woman that he can never cheat on you. but this is earth and we all are humans,we make mistakes and trusting someone with your life can be trickish because most people of this generation,look for weakness as an advantage to ride on you,but trust it also a away to show commitment.
3.Honesty-A saying goes that if you have never lied to a woman then you don't respect her. Quite true but then again most of the ladies and men tend to believe lies  quickly,nobody wants to hear the truth because,it is bitter. My question is,when you lie to someone and later on that persons finds out the truth,what will happen,are you going to lie again or you will tell the truth this time,now when you lie again,will that person believe you,and when you say the truth,will that person accept it. that's a question you should ask yourself before her if he really love that person,the truth is bitter,leave to be honest,let your yes be your yes,keep your word,keep your promise,when you keep being dishonest and promise and fail,the love will only fade,learn to say d truth and who will stay will stay.
4.Respect-respect is a sign of love and commitment,it does not matter weather you are older or richer or more connected and many more,respect will show you are committed.
5.Attitude: here i mean character,if you show all the respect in the world and give all the love and trust and honest but your character sucks then it totally crumbles everything,if you respect someone your attitude will tell the person that you don't respect that person,if you say the truth,your attitude



16:13 0 Comments

Marriage itself is consummated with the literal bodily union of husband and wife from that point on,the husband should regard the wife as his own flesh. If she hurts,he ought to feel the pain. If she has needs,he should embrace those needs as his own. He should seek to feel what she feels,desire what she desires and in effect, give her the same care and consideration he gives his own body.
    What should be my reaction when my spouse keeps repeating an act or behaviour i protect?
     Should i just keep mute and conceal my displeasure?No.
     Harbour no bitterness in your heart.
     What's the solution?
1. Recognize and admit you are different beings. Ever between we thought of married to each other,each one of us has a personal way of life. Embrace that truth,we need to be adaptable and adjustable, in the sense that just  as we feel upset about some behavior in our spouses, they also have same things that repel them in us. We are not perfect either. We must accept that our spouses are not intentionally doing things to spite us or make us frustrated,it might not be deliberated so just formats your mind and believe their way of life and attitude will change with time not with nagging. Breaking an old habit will take a while this step has a way of taking bitterness away from our hearts even if the desired change is not yet evident. It is not a "suffering and smiling therapy"
neither am i teaching you to pretend and be boiling silently. We all have our differences. He is not "you" you are not "him".
2. Talk less about the problem: One day, the holy spirit gave me a nudge and said "you talk too much about the problem rather than praying about it".discuss with the lord. In fact, i do report my husband to the holy spirit when he gets me upset. #Don't tell him o#. The heart of a king is in the hands of the lord ,God can speak too.



15:54 0 Comments

1. Accept people how they are. Genetic makeup is complex and centainly beyond the scope of this article. Suffice to say,human being are amazing different. We come from different places,have different personalities,minds,character,traits,beliefs and behavior and live different. so why is it that many are still so unaccepting of other people! when will we realize that diversity contributes to the fabric of our society and is not a burden but a strenght! by accepting people as they are and not trying to change them,you are indeed contributing to the peaceful and healthy existence of our world.
2. Be your natural imperfect self.
   Accepting yourself is just as important as accepting others. There is no need to act differently than how you are designed on how you wish to act. When others make  a joke at your expense for being different take a joke about them trying to be like everyone else. Conformity is not strength but a weakness of character. You cannot and will not impress everyone, nor should you make the attempt,you are not designed to befriend everyone around you,only those who truely deserve your friendship.
3. Give those you dont know a chance.
   In our society it can be especially difficult to be non-judgemental when it comes to others. Just remember,everyone has past and no body can change the hand that they were dealt in life.
   The beautiful thing is that everyone you meet has a unique story to tell.



01:34 0 Comments

1.The wife that wins in arguments with her husband is not wise. The home is not a law court.
2.The wife that uses sex as a weapon in the home placing embargo,going to bed in jeans short and trousers lack wisdom.
3. The wife that uses the modern trends and laws of "women's rights"to insult or ridicule her husband simply makes a fool of herself.
4. A woman that makes her home devoid of peace through bickering,nagging and quarrels needs help. A man should be eager to run away from office to be at home,for that should be the safest and cosiest place on earth for him.
5. Modern day equality in marriage does not mean competition. it simply means partnership. Taking advantage of such equality to turn around and become the de-facto head of the home and  oppress the man is tantamount to playing with fire. If you destroy your home,soon you will be the boss of an empty home.
6. A wise wife makes the man feel so good  that he assumes that he is the head. Once he gets that feeling,the woman gently wields her power and the head actually turns to wherever the neck wants without a protest.
7. A wife that does not  pull herself away from friends 'influence and advice or even from the control of her mother and father will have herself to blame.
8. When a man is looking for a wife,he bypasses women of different shapes and sizes to choose a wife. But soon after childbirth, many women hide under the excuse of childbirth to let go of themselves. Many stop bothering about their looks,shapes,dressing e.t.c.



17:43 0 Comments

Getting married while you are order and mature has its benefits which includes a lower divorce rate,fewer and less intense arguments between couples. Getting married while you are young(not too young because below 20 is definitely too young) also have its own advantage and get married while you are young.
Below are 3 reasons why you should get married while you are young.
1.Couples who married younger have more sex: If want to have more sex,then get into married while you are younger and is the way to go. As according to the research couples who marry in their 20s tend to get more sex than couple who marry in their 30s.So why  dont you marry now because the sooner you marry, the more time you will be spending between the sheets.
2.Higher fertility: If you have babies and you really want them,may be marrying early is the way to go. Fertility rates for women drop around 27 and 35yr, they decrease more dramatically. So when you get married earlier,you do so when your fertility is higher.
3.It could make you happier: Couples who get married much earlier tend to be happier according to the study. The highest percentage of people ages 20 to 28yr old who consider themselves "highly satisfied"with their lives are married as opposed to single or cohabiting according to a National marriage project's 2015."knot yet"report. According to some report,the largest number of women who describes their marriage as very happy" tied the knot when they were 24 to 26yr old.
Honey moon is much fun when you get married early.