17:43 0 Comments

Getting married while you are order and mature has its benefits which includes a lower divorce rate,fewer and less intense arguments between couples. Getting married while you are young(not too young because below 20 is definitely too young) also have its own advantage and get married while you are young.
Below are 3 reasons why you should get married while you are young.
1.Couples who married younger have more sex: If want to have more sex,then get into married while you are younger and is the way to go. As according to the research couples who marry in their 20s tend to get more sex than couple who marry in their 30s.So why  dont you marry now because the sooner you marry, the more time you will be spending between the sheets.
2.Higher fertility: If you have babies and you really want them,may be marrying early is the way to go. Fertility rates for women drop around 27 and 35yr, they decrease more dramatically. So when you get married earlier,you do so when your fertility is higher.
3.It could make you happier: Couples who get married much earlier tend to be happier according to the study. The highest percentage of people ages 20 to 28yr old who consider themselves "highly satisfied"with their lives are married as opposed to single or cohabiting according to a National marriage project's 2015."knot yet"report. According to some report,the largest number of women who describes their marriage as very happy" tied the knot when they were 24 to 26yr old.
Honey moon is much fun when you get married early.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.