28 SEPTEMBER 2015When i first heard that Buhari's government is
planning to waste a whopping N273billion to
conduct 2016 census, my question was "Why the
headcount when we all know it would result to
effort in futility because, a particular section of
the country will include their cows and even
citizens of Chad and Niger to inflate their
population as usual?"
My advice to this confused and lying government
is that, they should use just N100billion out of
that money to conduct a credible and transparent
referendum, to avail Nigerians the golden
opportunityto decide whether to continue living
together or to go our separate ways without war.
Enough of the pretence that is eating us so deep,
no glimpse of hope for a united Nigeria or any
atom of love between us, this country can never
be united because we were not one, we are not
one, and we will never be one. I am not being
skeptical, cynical or pessimistic, i am just stating
the obvious.
Imagine everything we do in this country is either
based on north, south dichotomy or religious
I am appealing to all those still hoping that this
country will be united one day, to please wake up
from their surrealistic state (Dream-like
atmosphere) because, if we can't get it right after
55 years of independence, then we don't need any
prophet to tell us that we will never get it right.
In fact, all those still believing in the illusionistic
unity of this country are like the two tramps,
Vladimir and Estragon in Samuel Beckekett's
Waiting for Godot. These tramps leave their house
to a leafless tree to wait for Godot that they have
not seen before, they won't be able to recognize
him if he walks pass them, and they don't even
know why they are waiting for Godot. They just
keep waiting and waiting for Godot till the play
ends without Godot showing up.
Posted by chibuzorvictor@9400 by 12:30am