17 SEPTEMBER 2015Heeeii, oya swear!
― If you didn't kill earthworm with salt.
― If you didn't play rubber band.
― If you never bathed in the rain.
― If nobody told you about India vs Nigeria
― If you didn't sleep on the couch and wake
up on the bed
― if u didn't throw your milk tooth on the
roof for the lizards to take it and give you
new ones.
― If you didn't just wash your hands and
legs instead of
bathing when going to school.
― If you didn't act film in uncompleted
building or under bed
with friends.
― If you never flew a kite.
- If you didn't use ur two legs to build
houses with sand.
- If u didn't write ur name on paper and
insert it into ur pen
so that no one will steal it.
- If u didn't close d fridge door really slowly
to see when d
lights went off.
- If u neva waved @ white birds expectin ur
nails to b whiter
- If u neva heard of a ghost dat stays under
mango trees @nights
- If u didn't drive a single car Tyre with a
stick and called it
ur car!
- If u didnt mix garri n sugar in ur pocket
and eat while
walking in the street.
- If u never did mama and papa play i.e.
cookin grass nd
sand witout fire.
- If you didn't play table soccer. with bottle
.....then I guess ur Childhood wasn't fun!
Oya choose which one u do
Do you knw its not jangilova epo motor? it is
knw. Don't be shy, I didn't know either until
now I am sure 99.9 % of adults that grew up
in Nigeria dnt knw dat d nursery rhyme
"sandalili sandalili" is actually "standard
living standard living". D song in church
saying " o singo singo, praise d Lord", is
actually " o sing my soul and praise d Lord.
I knw u are singing it now again, smiles
***Confess.! are u guilty? hahahaha! keep
sharing d fun and laff it off JESUS died over
2000 yrs ago and nobody has ever called
HIM the late JESUS, not even de devil. No
where in history! HE is still the Living GOD!
Yet 97 out of 100% will not share this truth,
if u are 1 of the 3% who will stand up 4 Him,
then send this to 7pple if u Luv Jesus. I DO
Posted by chibuzorvictor@9ja400