23:03 0 Comments

They see us as fools, infact they even call us fools(1Peter 4vs4)..just to lower your age to get a job you say no, and now you re suffering!, as matured and beautiful as you are, look at an handsome rich man/woman that's ready to marry you and he/she just said you should sleep with him/her to prove if you love him and then he/she will marry you...and you say no, now look at you, you re single, you have lost him/her and age is telling on you....are you not a fool?....a lecturer says the requirement to pass my course is either to pay in kind or in cash...and many others re doing it, look even me your friend, a christian like you, infact a worker and leader in my church, I ve to do it to pass because I don't want anything or anybody to delay me here(school), I have 4yrs to spend and I must not spill! Look at you, you depend on only reading and say I'm a christian I can't bribe or defy the temple(my body) of God, now look at you, your mates have graduated and even serving now, you re still in 300level, are you not a fool?, you refuse to pay money for expo in waec or even copy freely from the board and the school says let's see where it will lead you, infact they victimize you because of that..and now you are spending another year at home when your mates re in the higher institution..are you not a fool?....just to bribe and get admission that's so difficult in Nigeria now, you say no....6yrs after secondary school you re still at home because of your unchanging stupid stand...are you not a fool?...see my friend, let me tell you something, when you re in Rome you do like the Romans, in this work, if you want to have peace and keep your position you must follow the trend, lie with your pen(when we come 8:30, we do write 8:00am and you have to follow suit so as not to spoil things for us, but if you say you can't do that because you say you re a christian..then we will kick you out of this place before you kick us out......mind you we all here re christians too! ) about gaining must roll out with the boss else your promotion will never see the light of the day because they(bosses)re the one ruling and even have power to the Hq..and if you say you don't want to visit their bed...then you will remain in level 1 till dooms day...foolish you, just once you say no!....die there and say you re a christian, an Heaven bound.....who am I? Am I a devil? Going to hell? See this Heaven, you will see me there! We wouldn't lie, cheat, have sin partners, dress in anyway that expose our chest, laps, body curves and shapes and Then they say we re fools......Well one thing is that...the insane looks at the sane and calls him/her insane...I.e a mad man/woman walking naked on the street always feels he/she is the one normal and the people clothed re abnormal...that's it....they call us fools but the truth is that, we re the wise ones.....The Bible says "oh that they were wise, that they would consider their later end" Deut 32vs29......we know there's Judgment coming(Romans 14vs10-12, Ezekiel 18v30) and the pleasure of sin is but for a moment with eternal painful consequence(Eccl 11vs9,2Thess 2vs12), and therefore we have taken the escape route in Christ(Salvation), repented and decided to live Holy in other to escape the wrath(Judgment)of God and to live with Him in eternal bliss and ready to suffer for His sake on earth standing for they re going to call us fools but we re the wise ones....we re glad to be fools for Christ and enjoy with Him later than to be wise in sin and suffer with satan at last......I'm a fool for Christ whose fool are you?...
Posted by chibuzorvictor@9ja400 by 07:05am


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.